Sunday, April 29, 2012

The babies have hatched!  They are still ugly at 1 week and barely have any feathers!  They have been sleeping a lot, we try not to disturb them.  I couldn't resist taking a picture though.....hopefully soon they will get some feathers!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mama bird has been busy!

Well Mama bird has been busy!  The other day we checked the nest and there were 4 eggs!  She hides in the tree by the door and sits on the eggs when no one is around.  As soon as we walk up the sidewalk she flies out of the nest to the tree.  Soon, I think we are going to have to start using the back door, because once those eggs hatch, mama could get a little aggressive trying to protect her babies!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Marie Antionette inspired fancy shoe favor boxes

Here are the latest crop of our fancy shoe box favors, in bright colors! 

Turquoise, Pink, Black and Chartreuse

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Birds nest and baby bird egg

We found a nest in the wreath on our door, and just yesterday we discovered this baby bird egg in the nest!  We hope mama comes back to hatch it and that all the in and out of our front door doesn't disturb the egg!